PechaKucha20x20 what is it?
PechaKucha Night was devised in Tokyo in February 2003 as an event for young designers to meet, network, and show their work in public.
It has turned into a massive celebration, with events happening in hundreds of cities around the world, inspiring creatives worldwide. Drawing its name from the Japanese term for the sound of "chit chat", it rests on a presentation format that is based on a simple idea: 20 images x 20 seconds. It's a format that makes presentations concise, and keeps things moving at a rapid pace. more info at their site

Pecha Kucha Bangalore, is a popular event hosted by CKS in collaboration with the VA Group and Jaaga. The evening’s theme of “Copyright in the age of social networking and content sharing” will feature prominent speakers from a wide range of disciplines – artists, designers, programmers, authors, musicians developers, corporates, lawyers and publishers.
Entry: Free
Venue: CKS House, Bengaluru
click here for directions
Date: 25 February 2011
Gate Opens: 19:30
Presentations Start: 20:00
Confirmed Speakers
Namita Avriti
Chaitanya Krishnan
Sudhir Krishnaswamy and/or Jayna Kothari
Sachin Malhan
Gautam John
Philip Cotsford
Alison Byrnes
Senthil S
Online live stream at
links to some of the speakers are here
its over!
my phone's gprs conked i couldn't tweet or shoot any of it :P
but heres what went down:
Namita Avriti - did a thing on piracy and .. mentioned napster..and some stuff... that was going by really fast.. or rather i was really nervous about going up there right after her..(will refer to my incredibly detailed notes and update this later)
Chaitanya Krishnan - spewed a ghastly presentation.. actually made people sit through entire slides for 20 sec of silence..
Sudhir Krishnaswamy - (will put something here after i go through my notes)
Sachin Malhan - had an interesting presentation. it was about how blind people share media and experiences verbally or through audio recordings..and how in cases of literature.. its actually copyright infringment..
Gautam John - was talking about how they were trying to create a network of writers and other content providers, editors etc.. who could one day put a book in every indian kids' hands
Philip Cotsford - (was either absent..or i was really spaced out and didn't notice his presentation)
Alison Byrnes - had a light hearted take on the "murals" that the BBMP had done on various walls ad flyovers all over the city in their most pervasive city beautification project to date.. she talked about how practically all of the murals were direct ripoffs of photographs one might find in a google search.
Senthil S, Manu and the team from AC3 (Ambedkar Center..) - they are part of a community driven education center in the slum they all live in. they highlighted their use of opensource and free software and platforms.. and inspired us all to do the same. Manu especially is a really talented oung guy, who showcased a lot of his artwork that was created in Gimp.
UPDATE: see the recorded webcast below
i come in at 38:48 .. the slides are not visible through most of it, all you can hear are the speakers talking.. enjoy the rambling
what are you gonna talk about?
Originally posted by selurus:what are you gonna talk about?we all have the same general theme - "copyright in the age of social networking and file sharing"am going to talk about how various factors play a part in piracy.. will site some examples like shepherd faiery's Obama poster .. how deviant art members collaborate.. etc.. then will spew a few facts about gaming and facebook :)
will post my annotated slides on the blog here later(after the event)
and you only speak for 20sec for each slide?
yup.. else i wouldn't do it :D
any chance of getting this up on you tube?
lets see :) they said thay will be streaming it at am not familliar with that service.. maybe i'l just give someone my point and shoot camera
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