pretty good! last night i was browsing the net on my laptop while my desktop was downloading stuff.. should check what speeds i get on my laptop .. will do that tonight.
for more on the plan i'm using click here its called the "Home UL 1350" basically for Rs1350 ($27.56) i get a proper unlimited(no hidden costs/kb of download) connection at pretty decent speeds.
the above speed test was on my Desktop pc that is connected via a lan cable
heres a test result from my notebook using the wifi network

note: the wifimodem is on the 1'st floor, and i'm sitting with my notebook on the ground floor...so its obviously pretty good.
i find that the abeltronica speed test is generally more accurate ... the speedtest.net results are weirdly unrealistic sometimes.
Anonymous writes:thanks
i find that the abeltronica speed test is generally more accuratehttp://www.abeltronica.com/velocimetro/pt/index.php?idioma=uk
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