Friday, August 9, 2024

3d Modelling and sculpting on Ipad

 Dug deeper into Nomad Sculpt and have figured out an entirely iPad based 3d workflow. That involves modelling, sculpting, decimating, ups and materials and texture painting.

Here are the results.. may do a tutorial or Timelapse soon.

This is a character I made entirely on the iPad using Nomad sculpt. Was pleasantly surprised to see how easy it was to setup materials. It was fun to figure out how to do the tubes and visor.

Astrodude by Chaitanya Krishnan on Sketchfab

Here’s the same character imported into Procreate and painted in an npr style.

The transparency was tricky, had to do that in Sketchfab.

Astrodude npr by Chaitanya Krishnan on Sketchfab

I then tried something I’d rather not call hard surface.. but close to it

All Terrain Vehicle by Chaitanya Krishnan on Sketchfab

Incidentally this app started as a web based app called sculpt gl, and I had even done a tutorial with it a few years ago! Great to see it come this far!

Here’s that tutorial if anyone’s interested:

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