Saturday, August 10, 2024

Tool upgrade - Ipad pro and Pencil

Got an ipad pro 13" and pencil last month, after years of postponed attempts. My finances had always been a bit iffy, but these last few years have been more stable, and so 2 years ago i got one for my wife, and it really helped with her workflow(comic book artist) she kept telling that i should get one too.

Am primarily a 3D artist, so was reluctant. But in the last few years, seeing what artists are able to do with Nomadsculpt.. and the announcement of zbrush for the ipad, I started considering myself.

So anyway, it was finally time to go get this. 

Used some generic paint markers to draw on the cover. I promptly fell ill with Dengue and was hospitalized for a while. Having this device with me helped keep me sane. 

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