we decided to put screws on either end so that i can open this thing up later and add or remove more keys, knife blades or tools. Am quite happy with the results. Wrapped it in some elastic chord i found lying around at home.. will find something more suitable later(maybe leather or something like that).

have only put 3 keys for now.. will add some screwdrivers, or other odds and ends on the opposite side later.

here are some detailed instructions

We plan on getting together again and work on other more advanced projects.. lets see how it goes
Wow , look great , how about car keys ???
was originally planning to put my bike key.. but we realised it is not long enough.. so won't reach all the way into the keyhole with this attached.. my bike key goes under the petrol tank :(will try getting a extra long duplicate key made, will be able to use it then.car key was too fat.. and has a security dongle .. so too bulky
Oh , I thought about the length . My suggestion is making a simple single key holder for bike separated from the main key-holder and u can connect both of them as a combo set . But It sounds stupid ... hahaha . Making a key-holder for 1 key , waste your time . Just use the original with some tiny colorful bell attached . hahah
Originally posted by thangduybo:tiny colorful bell attached . hahahheh heh :)
saw a similar keyholder from twitter link few days back. nicely done. :up:
Анонімний writes:Following my own analysis, millions of persons on our planet receive the personal loans from various creditors. Thus, there is good possibilities to get a college loan in all countries.
Following my own analysis, millions of persons on our planet are in debt because of stupid personal loans from various creditors. Thus, there is good possibilities to get into bankruptcy in all countries.
huh! did I miss something?
just felt like responding to that stupid spam commentor- Анонімний :)
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