Wednesday, July 24, 2013

How to 3D Sculpt in your Web Browser

How to do a 3D Sculpt in your Browser(no expensive or complicated software to be downloaded)

.. and then optimise and texture the model using free/opensource software.

Welcome to Sculptfab. The sculpting software that runs in your browser!

Discovered this last night.. Sketchfab has an experimental browser based sculpting tool! More info on how they got around to it can be seen here. In brief, it started as a project called SculptGL by Stéphane Genier. As the project is under MIT license, the Sketchfab team decided to put together a quick hack to improve the user interface.

For something that runs in your browser its pretty robust! and runs fairly smooth.

I played with it a lot!

did a bunch of models right away

heres the first attempt(click the following thumbnails to see the models)

the second one was much cleaner..

3rd one i took to blender and did some texturing

and then documented the creation of this model.. as a tutorial

view it here:

the process is simple:

STEP 1) do your sculpting online at]Sculptfab .. use a webgl compatible browser.. (apparently wacom tablets are supported as well).

am sure a version will come out soon that can handle the texturing online.

STEP 2) upload it directly to Sketchfab from there.


STEP 3) Download the ".obj" file. Import it into meshlab to optimise it.. You may directly take it to blender and see how your computer handles it.. that worked for one of my models .. but generally it probably will be better to optimise it.

STEP 4) After getting it to Blender, texture paint it and then upload the new modle and texture to Sketchfab.


STEP 5) open the texture in Gimp and convert it to a normal map.. add that to the sketchfab model.


Sculptfab -

Meshlab -

Blender -

via Inaccessible is Accessible

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