Monday, August 21, 2017

Live Streams thus far

I didn't want to announce this till I was sure I could do this as a long term thing..
now that I know its doable.. here goes -

The Skechfab team invited a small group of Sketchfabbers to stream on their official twitch channel.
And while I had my doubts at first, turns out that I'm able to stream every night of the work week!
So in the last few weeks, I've done around 50 streams..

You can view the archive below(twitch doesnt archive streams indefinitely, hence I mirror broadcast to Youtube and let them sit there for eternity)

to see the full playlist click here 

I stream every night(Mon-Fri) at 1700UTC (10:30pm India)

You can view and chat with me during a stream at

You can also view the stream at the following locations:
(but typically no chat)

Youtube(I might respond to live chat):
Twitch(my channel):

Undead AT AT Walker

Decided to go back and paint the old AT AT Model I'd made.. Heres the result.

The old Imperial walker model can be seen here -

White Walker Cat

With the 7th season of Game of Thrones we got to see a lot more white walkers and wights (creatures raised by the Night King or his white walkers). I happened to be sculpting a bunch of undead things then.. so decided to repaint some as  white walkers or wights .

So heres the Cat

Heres a Wight Deer

And heres a mashup of Hellboy and a White Walker.. 

more to come.. 

Tweaked materials on old Doodles

Sketchfab has started testing some new features.. these are some renders using them..
Will furnish more details once they officially announce it. For now enjoy the eye candy!