Here's a showcase of some work by my students done in blender.
Tuesday, December 27, 2022
Tuesday, December 20, 2022
Witch Far Travel
Tuesday, December 13, 2022
The Stakeout
After weeks of staking out this spot.. finally our subjects arrive.. lets take a closer look.
Hit the Play button in the player below and then, use the “K” key to play through,
or the annotations navigation controls(arrows on the bottom of the viewer) to look around.
You can further explore the scene by scrolling(zoom) or dragging(rotate) with your mouse.
Wednesday, November 30, 2022
VVVV at a Workshop with Jonathan OHear
In Nov 2022, I attended a workshop with Jonathan OHear at Attakalari. This was an interesting workshop for me, as it had been a long time since I had sat down to learn something new. In this case something entirely outside my comfort zone - VVVV
On each day Jonathan introduced us to byte sized concepts in lighting and coding, in what I as an educator, found was a well thought out and manageable lesson plan.
We learnt how to program an ESP32 variant that had wifi and bluetooth as well as a battery pack(added by the support team Transmedia at Attakalri)
The workshop culminated in a show where we showcased our projects for the public.
We learnt to control DMX lights as well as LEDs and use sensor inputs from everything from motion sensors to brain scanning devices.

I however opted to use a webcam(modified for infrared) to track a person's movement and use that to manipulate a 3d model that would generate particles, based on the movement.
Heres what that looked like:
Desk at Work by Chaitanya Krishnan on Sketchfab
This is the patch I eventually had..

For anyone who may need this in future heres the setup I got working - DOWNLOAD
Have added a dampner to delay/soften the movement and color transitions.
Used the mesh from a 3d scan of my office desk as the emitter.
Heres a forum thread that was a big help to me.
On the last day we put on a little show for the public, allowing them to witness and interact with our creations.
This is the happy group on day 1 -
Hope to run into them again!
Wednesday, November 2, 2022
Found the time to quickly doodle this for the weekly art challenge.
Witch by Chaitanya Krishnan on Sketchfab
To know more about the challenge or the prompt list, check this link - Sketchfab Weekly - Sketchfab Community Blog - Sketchfab Community Blog
Modelled in Blender. Hex textures done in Inkscape.
Tuesday, October 18, 2022
Cyberpunk Catbed
This is what I did with that scan
The original scan had some bugs because the lighting was suboptimal, so large chunks were missing.
Pinku the cat by Chaitanya Krishnan on Sketchfab
I took it to Blender to explore some repair techniques, but woundup building this contraption around it.
Heres the finished model..
Cyberpunk Catbed Porcelain by Chaitanya Krishnan on Sketchfab
You can also try it in AR with Snapchat -
This link or use the snapcode below
Monday, September 19, 2022
Voxel Batman
Made a quick model for Batman Day 2022
(cheated the traditional voxel process, by using the Remesh Modifier in Blender)
![]() |
Heres a timelapse of the process. Scroll down for the normal speed video. Heres the 3d Model |
Saturday, September 17, 2022
Kracken Lens
Dug out this model from an old speed modelling session.
Turned it into a snapchat lens.
Tuesday, September 6, 2022
Greasepencil to Sketchfab - Pagoda of the crystal relic

Decided to revisit working with grease pencil and tried to find a way to upload it on sketchfab.
heres a video of the greasepencil version and the version I got working in sketchfab.
Heres the model up at Sketchfab
Pagoda of the crystal relic by Chaitanya Krishnan on Sketchfab
The process I followed involved 3 steps
1) Converting the greasepencil object to a path
if the mesh is too dense(most likely) use the Decimate modifier to optimize it
This gives you all the paths converted to usable thick meshes… which works in Sketchfab.
Now I need to figure out how to get fills and brush styles(if even possible).
Friday, August 19, 2022
Synthetic Human in Lab
Built this for a client last year. Its a small part of the final video.
The suit, hair and vfx were created in Blender by myself and Parag Gupta. We used Blender primarily, and Adobe After Effects for the final composites.
The character was created using Makehuman -
The lab was from this scene over at Sketchfab - by rhinohopper
Sunday, August 7, 2022
Old Crone Gator
Heres the old crone gator I was working on. Started with an exploration of techniques in Blender, ranging from box modelling, using the skin modifier, and finally some minor sculpting.

This is the doodle it started as

Here are some more stills rendered out of sketchfab using their lab tools.

And heres the sketchfab model itself
Will rig it some day. but first want to try a print
Tuesday, July 26, 2022
Psyche - Change My Mind 2022
Earlier this year I participated in an event that was a collaborative experience with art-scientist Andrew Carnie. Along with other artists we worked on sculptural entries that made up the exhibit Change My Mind, which deals with the mind and its potential alteration using implanted devices.
As an emerging media artist myself who works with VR, AR, Projection mapping as well as other technology and techniques, it was refreshing to get back to working with paper!
Changes in my life over the past couple of years have brought about an upheaval in my personal and professional life. It has meant a combination of me coming to terms with my situation and relationships as well as old unaddressed issues. As a means of adapting and better equipping myself, I’ve been exploring my mental health and looking into habit breaking exercises for my well being. There is no shortcut for such development or therapy today.
Perhaps one day an implant could facilitate this kind of growth and recalibration.
This work is an attempt to visualise this process, where an implant would rip out undesirable parts of one's personality or behaviour, while nurturing and enabling other underdeveloped ones.

My first thought was to create something in Virtual Reality or Artificial Reality, my current artistic medium, to depict an implant that could hack into digital devices, networks, blockchains.
However, upon introspection over the last few weeks, on my own exploration of my mind, I decided to try a different approach, embracing an old familiar technique to evoke a fantastical technological breakthrough of sorts.
For this piece I have used paper carving and sculptural techniques. I used to love this medium almost two decades ago. Lately I have been revisiting positive things from my past, and so decided to revisit this medium for the project.
The event was facilitated by Science Gallery Bengaluru.
Details on the project can be seen here: