many countries have a designated symbol for their currency:
Pound sterling - ₤
Dollar - $
Euro - €
Yen - ¥
Indian Ropee - ?
now the indian govt wants you to design one for the indian rupee!
substantial cash prize and other instructions and stuff to read through, check the pdf Rupee_Design.pdf
deadline april 15th
i suppose this also means that our currency is going to get a revamp soon
ps: spread the word to all your arty/dejiner friends, don't you want to be able to brag that you know the person who designed this symbol :)
thanks to anonymous' comments for the link to this video
Anurag writes:
I got to first know about this news through is indeed a good news.
wow, thanks for letting me know
Vinita Verma writes:
I first came to know about this competition from my friend Mr.Chiranjeev Singh.I am very excited about it & am taking part too.I wonder why did we not attempt it earlier...........
ya i know, could have done this years ago... but anyway, better late than never
Anonymous writes:hiii. i feel happy to know about this contest.all d best.
Anonymous writes:
Hi can anyone tell me what does 4 point font size mean??
"points" are the units that font sizes are specified in. all computer programs that allow you to change font size use it... for more just... google it dude
Soumen Das writes:My symbol is in the link below: will find whatever, you suggested as part of it, and many more like Swastika symbol, King’s face used in ancient currencies, Ashok Chakra, Number 0, letters e.g, R,S,P,U,E,I etc. even र or रु, holy signs like sacred kalash and also the sign of stability along with its negotiation with foriegn currencies with the use of horizontal bar having two open arms facing upward & downward to keep up with market fluctuation and finally as a whole visual representation of an emperor with one sword facing upward in right hand to fight enemies and the other one in left hand facing downward to hole peace in his country but yet it is so simple!
I guess you have put in a lot of work...and i appreciate that you have looked at so many ideas...especially the र and रु devnagiri characters :)now some constructive criticism- the end result looks more complex than a Japanese ideograph (the complex icons used in the japanese script)just look at the simplicity of these existing ones ₤,$,€,¥ and then look at how your icon would look next to them, and decide for yourself.remember that at the end of the day these icons have to be easily recognisable in small point sizes and not just on the 1 rupee coin or any other denomination currency.. also keep in mind that this ikon will definitely be appearing on tv screens, led screens etc at stock exchanges..hope this feedback wasn't too harsh... if you found that it is... well next time don't post your stuff on my blog :)
Soumen Das writes:
Thanks for your feedback. Just wanted to share a few things This one is a little complex than $, you see - $ needs two strokes in general to write, it requires three strokes, 1 P, 1 O and 1 horizontal S.Even, with good practices One (I personnaly have done) could have made it into a single Stroke! You can try also, it's just starting from the downside and then moving upwards to form the P portion, followed by the O portion in anti-clockwise direction and finally the horizontal S portion -in a single stroke.And, the pattern itself, I think makes it easily distinguishable from the existing currencies/ letters, however, small it be - isn't it ?
still think its too complex, but best of luck anyway :)
mewool writes:
here is my art peace for Indian rupee symbol
nice work, good thought process
Soumen Das writes:
Please refer to the link below:
as i said before your process is very sound. but the final design just is'nt making me happy. in your final example it clearly doesnt seem to be on par with the dollar symbol in terms of pixel quality and overall stroke strength.This is just my opinion, so don't worry yourself too much over it. besides i don't even care enough about this to even bother to design a symbol of my own! so chill
Soumen Das writes:
Hi Chaityanak,Thanks for your critics. The pixel details you are talking of, can be easily enhanced by varying the width etc., and I have updated the page below to have a better & neater symbol at the end which you pointed. let me know your thought
Mr.R writes:@Soumen Das: It feels pain in Heart, to imagine a Complex symbol as offical RUPEE sign. hmmm.. its also called Spamming!!
Soumen Das writes:
@Mr. R - Please define me What is Complex, how do you classify between simple and complex ? Why $ is so simple but my one is so complex ! Does writing IR requires less time than mine ? I think it is due to its dissimilarity with everydays symbols/letters, but that's a true requirement too. Please read the #18 point in my link: am just collecting spaming in mind.
@Mr. R: thanks for the interest, i appreciate it. In all fairness to @Soumen Das his comments only started to resemble spam, recently. his earlier posts are quite ok, and i have no problem leaving them on my blog. I don't think spam was a delliberate intent on his part, he just got a little carried away.@Soumen Das: Mr. R can't be blamed for assuming that you are spamming, since ultimately you are putting one comment after another with links back to your own blog...(which technically is what we call Spam) with complete disregard to any of the feedback provided.. which is why i stopped replying in the first place.Please only make a post if you have something new to add, or a new design to show.anyway no harm done.. hope you all have a good day.
Soumen Das writes:This is to inform you that my Symbol's Wordpress Content is in the link below:
Anonymous writes: OF FIVE ENTRIES WHICH HAVE BEEN SELECTED FOR FINAL SELECTION FOR THE SYMBOL FOR INDIAN RUPEE S.No.NameAddress1Shri Hitesh Padmashali 1152JWT, PeninsulaChambers, Ganpatrao Kadam Marg, Lower Parel,Mumbai – 400 013.2Shri Shahrukh J. Irani 523No.9/8, Rustom Baug,Sant Savta Marg, Byculla (E), Mumbai – 400 0273Shri D. Udaya Kumar 656Industrial Design Centre,Indian Institute of TechnologyBombay Powai, Mumbai – 400 0764Ms. Nondita Correa-Mehrotra 16472-A, Connaught Mansion,173 Wodehouse Road,Mumbai – 400 0055Shri Shibin K.K. 1476‘Aiswarya’ Post – Koorara,Thalassery, Kannur District,Kerala - 670694
Anonymous writes:http://hindi......944416.cmsज्यादातर देशों की मुद्रा का अपना प्रतीक चिह्न है। मगरभारतीय रुपये का कोई सिंबल नहीं है। रुपये को अंग्रेजी में Rs. लिख दिया जाता है। हिंदी में रुपये या रु. का इस्तेमाल होता है। लेकिन कुछ समय से सरकार रुपये का सिंबल खोजने में जुटी हुई है। सरकार चाहती है कि जैसे डॉलर या यूरो के अपने प्रतीक चिह्न हैं, उसी तरह का रुपया का भी हो।यह सिंबल कैसा हो, इसके लिए सरकार ने बाकायदा एक प्रतियोगिता शुरू करके देशवासियों से रुपये के प्रतीक चिह्न के डिजाइन का आइडिया देने को कहा था। वित्त मंत्रालय के सूत्रों ने बताया कि बहुत से लोगों ने रुपये का प्रतीक चिह्न बनाकर भेजा। छंटनी के बाद 2455 लोगों के डिजाइन की पहली लिस्ट बनाई गई है। इस लिस्ट में से बेस्ट सिंबल छांटने के लिए एक जूरी बनाई गई है। इस जूरी में वित्त मंत्रालय, रिजर्व बैंक ऑफ इंडिया के अलावा प्रधानमंत्री की आर्थिक सलाहकार परिषद के सदस्य भी हैं। जूरी अंतिम पसंदीदा और दस योग्यतम प्रतीक चिह्न छांटेगा। इसके बाद उन पर बहस होगी। अगर जरूरत पड़ी तो सिंबल के डिजाइन में संशोधन भी किया जाएगा।
Anonymous writes:डॉलर और पाउंड की तर्ज पर अगर आपको रुपये के भी किसी प्रतीक चिह्न का इंतजार है, तो बस मार्च तक और घड़ियां गिनिए। मार्च में रुपये को चिह्न मिल जाएगा।भारतीय रिजर्व बैंक की डिप्टी गवर्नर उषा थोराट की अध्यक्षता वाली एक समिति ने करीब 4,000 प्रविष्टियों में से पांच को रुपये का निशान बनाने के लिए छांटा है। इनमें से किसी एक के डिजाइन पर ही अंतिम मुहर लगेगी और विजेता के नाम का ऐलान जनवरी में कर दिया जाएगा लेकिन वित्त मंत्रालय के सूत्रों के मुताबिक मार्च से पहले तक प्रक्रिया पूरी नहीं हो पाएगी।वित्त मंत्रालय के एक वरिष्ठ अधिकारी का कहना है, 'आरबीआई ने अपनी सिफारिशें सौंप दी हैं लेकिन अभी इस पर वित्त मंत्रालय के साथ-साथ कैबिनेट की मुहर लगना बाकी है। इस प्रक्रिया में दो से तीन महीने का वक्त लग सकता है।'------------------
Anonymous writes:Dear all read the news......... had written to the RBI in 2005 saying we should have a symbol for the rupee,†said Nondita Correa-Mehrotra , one of the finalists, more marvelling at the coincidence of it all than implying it may have influenced the government. Correa-Mehtorta is a Harvard University-trained architect and works at her father’s firm—Mumbai-based Charles Correa Associates. The final list pits two leading advertising agencies against each other for the big honour—JWT and Publicis Ambience. Hitesh Padamshali is a creative director, design, at JWT’s Mumbai office, while Shahrukh J Irani is a creative director at Publicis Ambience. The list also has a typography scholar in D. Udaya Kumar, a PhD candidate at IIT Mumbai’s Industrial Design Centre. He is preparing to defend his dissertation—Transformation of Tamil letter forms from palm leaf manuscripts to early letter press printing—early next year. Shibin KK, a computer science teacher at a government higher secondary school near Thalasserry, Kerala, is the fifth finalist, and an outsider of sorts with no formal training in drawing or design. However, he takes up freelance design work.
thanks for the updates :)
Anonymous writes:PL read below two websites coment for update views.
rakesh kumar singh writes:Information under RTI Act, 2005Given by Shr Sushil Kumar, Under Secretary to the Govt. of India & CPIO-----F.No. 3/40/09-Cy Dated 7th January, 2010Que. 1 Name, Professian & Home State of all the member of juryAns. (i) Smt. Usha Thorat, Deputy Governor, RBI, Mumbai-Chairman.(ii) Shri K.V. Eapen, Joint Secretary, Deptt. of Financial Services, Ministry of Finance, New Delhi.(iii) Ms. T. Kumar, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Culture, New Delhi.(iv) Smt. Aditi Mehta, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Culture, New Delhi.(v)Shri Anil Sinha, Chairperson, Integrated Desgin Services and Industry Programmes & Projects, National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad.(vi) Professor Hemant Nagdive, Director, JJ School of Arts, Mumbai.(vii) Shri Bazil Shaikh, Chief General Manager, RBI, Mumbai.Que. 2-How meny desins received in hindi/English & other languages out of eligible 2644 designs.Ans -The Designs do not have any Language, it is the shape (Drawing) only.Que. 3-How meny meetings when , where & each date of meeting, time taken for the meeting & average time of applicant design taken reg. Totat entries of evaluation ?Ans. Meetings of Jury were held on 29/30 September, 2009 in Indira Gandhi National Centre for Arts, New Delhi and on 16th November, 2009 in Reserve Bank of India, New Delhi for evaluation of entries. The meetings on 29th and 30th September were from 10.00AM to 5.00PM and the meeting meeting on 16th November was from 2-00 PM to 5.00PMQue. 4- Total received deigns and total of rejects deigns?Ans. There are 3331 eligible entries out of which five final entries were selected by the jury.Que. 7- The script of applicant which in Hindi language be translate in other language presents before jury. Ans. Only symbol of the applicant was presented to the Jury for selection.Que. 10- Explain briefly the rule (hindi-MANAK) of as widely accepting across the INDIA.Ans. The criteria adopted by the Jury in selecting the symbol was that the symbol should represent the historical and cultural ethos of the country as widely accepted across the Country and that the symbol has to be in the Indian National Language script or a visual representation. The second stage of selection focused on finer details such as whether the symbol(i) is distinct;(ii)can evoke a ready recall in India as well as internationally;(iii) is not unduly cluttered, i.e. simplicity;(iv) has strength of design;(v) is easy to write and typecast; and(vi) has integrity, unity of form and compact lookQue. 11-The Biodata of eligible design put-up before jury or Coding Procedure in applied?Ans. Coding procedure was adopted.-------My e mail-
rakesh kumar singh writes:dear allPl read correct jury member department name (type mistake a am sory rakesh)(iv) Smt. Aditi Mehta, Joint Secretary, Indera Gandhi National Center for Arts, New delhi.
so basically none of the writeups/descriptions.. explaining any of the concepts actually reached the jury.. who eventually made their decisions based entirely on visual aesthetics alone.
Anonymous writes:1)Smt. Usha Thorat, Deputy Governor, RBI, Mumbai-Chairmanand she found four entries from mumbai.2)Shri K.V. Eapen, Joint Secretary, Deptt. of Financial Services, Ministry of Finance, New Delhi.He is from kozhikode,kerala and he discover Mr.kk shibin,from kozhikode,kerala.Rest of Indians are duffer because they have no Godfather.Wake up SIDS and join hands against this unfair justice with us.Make a joint RTI and recheck your exams by CBI or CAG.
Anonymous writes:Dear all, PL see news and send coment.
Anonymous writes:Initially eligible entry number 1138 was hold by Mitlesh kothari according to 1st list created on 26 August, 2009 and uploaded on Ministry of Finance website but now according to latest updated list which was created on 15 sep. 2009 his name is deleted.
poor chap
rakesh kumar singh writes:जय हिंद,श्री सुशील कुमार, अवर सचिव भारत सरकार एवम सी.पी.आई.ओ. ने आर0टी0आई0 एक्ट २००५ के उन्तर्गत लेटर संख्या यफ.स. ३/४०/२००९-करेंसी दिनाक ०८ फरवरी, २०१० द्वारा निम्नानुसार सूचना दी गयी :-प्रश्न १- फ़ाइनल ५ के प्रत्येक अभ्यर्थियों का जूरी के सम्मुख प्रजेंटेसन किन- किन तिथियो मे कहाँ-कहाँ हुआ तथा प्रत्येक अभ्यर्थी/टीम ग्रुप द्वारा अपने-अपने सिम्बल को प्रजेंट करने मे कितना-कितना समय का उपयोग किया गया.उत्तर- फ़ाइनल ५ के अभ्यर्थियों का प्रजेंटेसन १५-12-२००९ को जूरी के सम्मुख हुआ. प्रत्येक अभ्यर्थी को प्रजेंटेसन के लिए (मोखिक रूप से) १०-१० मिनट का समय दिया गया है.प्रश्न २- क्या प्रत्येक प्रजेंटेसन की वीडियोग्राफी करायी गयी.उत्तर- नहीं.प्रश्न 3- जूरी के सम्मुख कुल ३३३१ डिजाइनो को प्रस्तुत की गयी किन्तु मंत्रालय के वेबसाईट मे २६४४ के लिस्ट प्रकाशित की गयी. इसका क्या कारण है.उत्तर- वेबसाईट मे केवल सभी शर्ते पूर्ण करने वाली प्राविस्थिया भेजने वाले अभ्यर्थियों के नाम दिए गए है. किसी-किसी अभ्यर्थी ने दो-दो डिजाइन भी दिए थे.प्रश्न 4- जिन अभ्यर्थियों की डिजाइन अपूर्ण थी क्या उनको कतिपय सुधार हेतु सूचित किया गया. एसे अभ्यर्थियों की संख्या.उत्तर- डिजाइन को पूर्ण करने के लिए या सुधार करने के लिए किसी को नहीं कहा गया.प्रश्न 5- कितने डिजाइनर के मूल डिजाइन (बायोडाटा, स्क्रिप्ट व डिमांड ड्राफ्ट) उनको वापस किया गया तथा कितने ऐसे डिजाइनर है जिन्होंने त्रुटि को सुधार कर मंत्रालय को भेजा.उत्तर- मूल डिजाइन (बायोडाटा, स्क्रिप्ट व डिमांड ड्राफ्ट सहित) जो कि निर्धारित अवधि मे प्राप्त हो गए थे, वापिस नहीं भेजे.प्रश्न ६- क्या फ़ाइनल ५ के अभ्यर्थियों मे से किसी ने दो डिजाइन से अधिक डिजाइन प्रेषित की थी.उत्तर- नहीं.प्रश्न 7- वित्त मंत्रालय की वेबसाईट पर तीन किश्तों मे प्रकाशित २६४४ डिजाइनो के अतिरिक्त ६८७ डिजाइनो के सूची क्यों नहीं प्रकाशित की गयी.उत्तर- २६४४ डिजाइन नहीं है, वह तो अभ्यर्थियों के नाम है.प्रश्न ८- कुल अर्ह ३३३१ डिजाइनो के स्क्रिप्ट किन-किन भाषाओ मे प्राप्त हुई तथा उनकी भाषावार संख्या.उत्तर- डिजाइन की कोई भाषा नहीं होती. स्क्रिप्ट हिंदी. अंगरेजी, तेलगू, मलयालम आदि भाषाओ मे प्राप्त हुई.प्रश्न 9- शासनादेश/गाइडलाइन मे उल्लिखित “इंडियन नॅशनल लान्ग्वेग” उन्तर्गत वित्त मंत्रालय की नजर मे कौन-कौन सी भाषाए है.उत्तर- संविधान द्वारा मान्यता प्राप्त सभी भाषाए.प्रश्न 10- भारतीय रूपये के सिम्बल हेतु क्या पूर्व मे किसी भारतीय या विदेशी नागरिक का प्रस्ताव, प्रार्थानपत्र या सुझाव आदि किसी स्तर से प्राप्त हुआ. यदि हाँ तो उसका विवरण.उत्तर- श्रीमती नॉनदिता कोरिया, भारतीय नागरिक से सुझाव प्राप्त हुआ था.प्रश्न 11- भारतीय रूपये के सिम्बल की आवश्यकता के पीछे मूल कारण की सूचना.उत्तर- इस विभाग के विज्ञापन मे उल्लेख किया गया है.प्रश्न १२- प्रत्येक डिजाइन के प्रजेंटेसन हेतु कितना समय निर्धारित किया गया था.उत्तर- दस मिनट तथा जूरी द्वारा उठाए गए प्रश्नों के उत्तर का समय.प्रश्न 13- जूरी ने केवल पाँच सिम्बल चयनित किये या उससे अधिक भी.उत्तर- विज्ञापन के अनुसार जूरी को केवल पाँच प्रतीकों का चयन करना था.प्रश्न १४- गाइडलाइन मे उल्लिखित “स्टैंडर्ड की बोर्ड” से क्या आशय हैउत्तर- computero मे लगा सामान्य की बोर्ड.प्रश्न १५- अंतिम डिजाइन के चयन के पश्चात क्या शेष समस्त डिजाइनो का स्क्रिप्ट सहित प्रकाशन वेब साईट पर किया जायेगा.उत्तर- नहीं.प्रश्न 16- जूरी द्वारा पाँच प्रतिभागियों के चयन की संस्तुति किस तिथि को प्रेषित की गयी तथा वित्त मंत्रालय को किस तिथि को प्राप्त हुई.उत्तर- १५-१२-२००९ को.प्रश्न १७- क्या जूरी ने पाँच प्रतिभागियों मे से फायनल एक की भी संस्तुति की है.उत्तर- अंतिम निर्णय विचाराधीन है.प्रश्न १८- कुल अर्ह ३३३१ अभ्यर्थियों द्वारा डिमांड ड्राफ्ट द्वारा प्रेषित रुपया कितना है.उत्तर- २६४४ योग्य अभ्यर्थियों के द्वारा भेजे गए ५००-५०० रुपए डिमांड के ड्राफ्ट जमा किये गए.Mb. 09450456464Question nomber 10 very Impartant
Anonymous writes:(Reg. The Symbol for Indian rupee competition)BFFORE THE FIRST APPELLATE AUTHORITY UNDER SECTION 19[1]OF THE RIGHT TO INFORMATION ACT, 2005In the matter of:APPEAL PREFERRED BY SHRI RAKESH KUMAR SINGH AGAINST THE ORDER DATED 7TH JANUARY 2010 OF CPIO, DEA.ORDER This appeal has been filed by Shri Rakesh kumar singh against the order dated 7.1.2020 of the CPIO of Department of Economic Affairs.2. In his application dated 14-12-2009 addressed to the CPIO, the applicant had sought information on 14 points relating to the competition of symbol of Indian rupee. The CPIO furnished the information on 7-1-2010. The appellant is not satisfied with the information furnished on 3 points, i.e. Point No. 1, 4 & 13 and hence this appeal on these points.3. Comments of CPIO have been invited. The points on which the appellant is not satisfied with the reply of the CPIO and the factual position is discussed in the succeeding paragraphs. 4. In point No.1 of his application, the applicant had asked in information about the name, profession and the home-state of the members of Jury appointed by the Government for finalisation of the design of Indian Rupee. The CPIO furnished the name/designation of the member of the jury along with the organization and place where the organization is located. The information relating to home-state of the member is not maintained and as such this information cannot be provided. 5. In point No.4, the applicant had asked information as to the number of total designs received and out of those how many have been rejected. The CPIO informed him that there were 3,331 eligible entries, out of which 5 Final entries were selected by the Jury. This should satisfy the query of the applicant. 6. In point No. 13, applicant had sought information about the date and mode of information to the contestants about the selection of 5 designs. The CPIO had informed him that final result is yet to be decided. In the comments, CPIO had intimated that the information to the selected contestants was sent on 25-11-2009 through letter. This information was also posted on the website of the Ministry in December 2009. This should satisfy the query of the applicant.7. In view of above observations, the appeal is disposed off.My name Rakesh Kr singh Mb. 09450456464
hmm.. interesting development.. wonder what the final symbol will look like. hope it lives up to all this attention we're giving it.
Anonymous writes:1. Hindustan Times reported about “Indian Rupee Design Scam”Hindustan Times Hindi- Lucknow 18 March Times Hindi- Lucknow 19 March The Economic Times Hindi New Delhi 22-03-10
Anonymous writes:3. 3- The Economic Times English New Delhi 22-03-10
Anonymous writes:Indian rupee symbol-TRUTH seen,top-5-rupee-symbol.html
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