Friday, February 14, 2020

Hand of God

The final sculpt for Sculptjanuary was a tricky one and actually a second attempt at the prompt of the day - "Divine"
I do want to see this printed eventually.. but will take some planning for all the loose parts..

Heres a recording of the sculpting session

Crystal Snake

This was one of my favorite sculpts for sculptjanuary this year. Here are a few more pics.. am planning a 3d printable version soon.

Sculpt January 2020 Jan 14 - Crystalline by Chaitanya Krishnan on Sketchfab

Heres a recording of the sculpting session:

Sculptjanuary 2020

I did finish Sculptjanuary last month, but didnt have the time to write about it, so here goes. The topics in the prompt list were quite good, however I was busy with a family emergency and couldn't give it all i could. Still heres the full set:

To truely appreciate them check them out in 3d (also VR and AR enabled) at

Let me know if you would like to see me print any of these, or refine and put them up on shapeways.