In Nov 2022, I attended a workshop with Jonathan OHear at Attakalari. This was an interesting workshop for me, as it had been a long time since I had sat down to learn something new. In this case something entirely outside my comfort zone - VVVV
On each day Jonathan introduced us to byte sized concepts in lighting and coding, in what I as an educator, found was a well thought out and manageable lesson plan.
We learnt how to program an ESP32 variant that had wifi and bluetooth as well as a battery pack(added by the support team Transmedia at Attakalri)
The workshop culminated in a show where we showcased our projects for the public.
We learnt to control DMX lights as well as LEDs and use sensor inputs from everything from motion sensors to brain scanning devices.

I however opted to use a webcam(modified for infrared) to track a person's movement and use that to manipulate a 3d model that would generate particles, based on the movement.
Heres what that looked like:
This is the happy group on day 1 -
Hope to run into them again!