In all fairness it belongs in a separate genre and ths shouldnt really be compared to its predecessor.
The book is a good murder mystery, with ample helpings of indian popular culture thrown in. I found it quite entertaining and well written.Some of the charaters, plots, incidents seem o be based on actual recent news items from india.. like the murder of a female bartender.. and the attrocities against people of indegenous tribes and other minorities, racism/cateism.. blah blah blah.. its all in here.. my only complaint is that my favourite character doesn't get a good ending.
brief summary- a guy gets murdered at a party in his honour.. police find six people there in possession with guns.. the rest of the book is a flashback, that shows us the six parallel storylines, that bring these six characters to that party.. some are there to kill the victim and others are there for other reasons.
i give it a solid 5/6 . :yes:
like i said i'm not too happy with the fate of my favourite character :cry:
slumdog millionaire is the best
"shows us the six parallel storylines, that bring these six characters to that party.. some are there to kill the victim and others are there for other reasons." So damn thrilling hahaha
Originally posted by thangduybo:slumdog millionaire is the besti actually found it to be quite average compared to other bollywood films like Machis which had good scripts and music too ,
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