Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Idea cellular has some ridiculous "ideas"

mailto: grievance.kar@idea.adityabirla.com

ive been an idea postpaid customer for a few months now.
name: chaitnya krishnan
Idea mob: 9844044048
the reason i switched from prepaid to postpaid is so i could avail of all the "advantages" of having a postpaid cnnection.. unfortunately its been far from that.

i have been highly dissatisfied since then. especially with your roaming service..

for example i am currently in delhi, i got here on sunday and my mobile is still not getting connected to any network!

last time this happened when i went to hyderabad and you guys told me to submit a request in writing- on a physical paper form! i did that and it worked.. i had the roaming service enabled while i was in hyderabad and kodaikanal... so what happened this time?

do i have keep coming to your outlets and filling out forms each and every time i have to leave town? sounds like a pretty dumb "idea" to me..

i hope you fix this and enable my roaming asap.. or i promise you i'l just switch over to a simple hassle free prepaid connection on airtel or vodaphone, etc..

yours truely, an extremely dissatisfied idea customer
chaitanya krishnan
Interaction Warrior and Space Bender

ph: 91 9844044048
mail: me@chaitanyak.com
personal: www.chaitanyak.com
official: www.flipdesign.in

please think about the environment before you print this out,
and only print if absolutely necessary. And if you do print it out... I hope you feel a little guilty that you contributed to the death of a poor innocent tree.

5min after sending that mail, my phone's connected to the network and I'm updating this post from it :) I also got a couple of calls from Idea Cellular, checking if I was happy now.


anonymous said...

Sharan writes:Awesome duude teached em a lesson hehe :P

chaitanyak said...

he he, yeah.. you just have to be a little pro active in these situations