Result: works great.. and quite stable so far. the one big issue is that the swype keyboard is non functional :( ,there is a tutorial on how to uninstall and reinstall to get it working - getting-swype-working-on-i5801ddjp2
big news: Rooting works! Root your phone with Super One Click from here.
The more convenient Z4root doesn't work, i tried :(
Anyway, and so i was able to re-enable live wallpapers again :) :) :) go here for the instructions
:cool: you've got froyo too. does it improve the hanset performance compared to the previous version?
Originally posted by selurus:you've got froyo too.i had been using froyo from a different build for a few months now. but because it wasn't meant for my device, there were some stability issues.Originally posted by selurus:does it improve the hanset performance compared to the previous version?this new version i'm using now is the official release from samsung for my device, so its pretty much bug free.. and noticeably faster than the previous one(as well as eclair before that)also i use launcher pro now instead of the stock desktop.. so its added to the "quickness"
I've been using Go Launcher pro but I've nearly used up phone memory so switched back to default browser.I still use Go SMS though, the default SMS app is very basis. also I'm now used to messages popping up as soon as they arrive.
Originally posted by selurus:I still use Go SMS though, the default SMS app is very basis. also I'm now used to messages popping up as soon as they arrive.i tried Go Sms(loved it, but was running slow on my device) and Go Launcher but needed space, so switched to the slightly smaller and faster handcent(for sms) and launcher pro
tried handcent for a few days and it offers similar features like Go SMS. BTW with the latest update Go SMS can be moved to memory card and I also I like the theme I'm using so I think I'll stick with it. :)
Originally posted by selurus:with the latest update Go SMS can be moved to memory cardhmm.. i loved the go sms themes.. think i'l give it a go again.problem is i started developing apps using app inventor now(had tried months earlier but it wouldn't connect to my phone back then)and when i install my apps i end up triggering the low memory alert :( .. so won't be trying anything new for a while(unless it has app2sd support).
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