Friday, September 24, 2010

Hungry Shark and Mini Squadron

Got these cool games last night..
had to uninstal a few old ones that i was done with first :( this may just become routine, unless Froyo gets here with the whole app-to-sd option..

Hungry Shark Free!

This game is loads of fun, you basically tilt the phone in the direction you want to move the shark.. and he does the rest :) ie: chomps down on whatever is in the way.. plenty of blood and guts and grisly sounds. for me it was worth the space i had to make for it.

download size 8.4mb
installed size 9mb

get it here -
or fire up a qr code reader(Quickmark or goggles) and point your phone's camera at this

Mini Squadron

this cartooney 2d fighter is addictive.. and pretty fast paced.. the controls are very responsive too.
It was worth the dowwnload ...but with Winds of Steel already on my phone i doubt i'l have this with me once i finish the demo. Still i can see this game keeping me occupied for a while.. the art is fantastic.. and i appreciate this style :)

issues: on some devices the game menu buttons may not display properly.. just use simple common sense and guesswork to get through to the game..which works fine.
download size 12.54mb
installed size 14mb (reason i might have to delete it when something cooler comes along)

get it here -

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